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Australians know Your Rights

 Screenshot 7media lies f cobs

The application of force was without lawful justification or excuse.

SHOCKING: Violent police bodycam footage EXPOSES media lies

 The MSM cameras waited for the perfect shot of Nick Patterson “punching a Covid-cop” but refused to share what happened prior. So I got hold of the police bodycam and it tells the whole story. FULL REPORT:


If you run up to somebody and shove them in the chest agressively, that's assault. The initial assault was from the police, anything after that is gang violence.Victoria - 7.4.8 - Common Law Assault:
4. Assault involving the application of force has three elements:
• The accused applied force to the complainant’s body;
• The application of force was intentional or reckless;
• and The application of force was without lawful justification or excuse.



Why did the police give up the body cam footage ,is it a freedom of info thing or what? It baffles me why they would willingly incriminate themselves


Screenshot 7police no crime

 Police have no right to stop you unless you have committed a crime

  POLICE POWERS – Our Rights and Responsibilities



 Screenshot 5police power

Police powers are defined by rules and regulations

Police powers are defined by rules and regulations


 Link below has many articles

CIRNow - Citizens Initiated Referendums



from Senator Fraser Anning

Prime Minister Morrison,

You are threatening to censure me in the Australian Parliament for statements I made following the mass murder of New Zealand Muslims on Friday the 15th of March. Labor leader Bill Shorten agrees with your intentions.



WHY the Marriage Vote is so Serious for Australians



 Screenshot 7islam map

Draft Islamic Constitution of Australia

Draft Islamic Constitution of Australia



 Screenshot 7 my will

Number of My Will Letters downloaded:


Number of My Will Letters downloaded:1547 Downloads




 Screenshot 5 courts

Challenging the Authority of the Court

Challenging the Jurisdiction of the Court




Screenshot 5cor judge

 How you can win any court case brought against you for not paying a fine

How to Win in Court




 Treason and the Death Penalty

 Screenshot 5 water tanks

Agenda 21 decreed that the government took away our right to collect rainwater and store it in water tanks. Now the government imposes a licencing fee to collect free rainwater!




Killing White Europeans In South Africa

The whites in South Africa was once the majority population and at the turn of the 1900 century the leaders open the boarders  to black immigration and soon the black population became the majority and the whites now have no country.


WARNING GRAPHIC: Shocking TORTURE of WHITE African Farmers


United Nations Laws on Self Defence, Genocide


 White Indigenous Rights


 Revolution is the act to change the form of government.

  Treason & Treachery Defined



Commonwealth Documents

Commonwealth Documents Available Here:

If you need to refer to any Commonwealth document this website is the place to go.


Want to know how the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901 came about? Do you need a copy of the original Constitution? Need to know what the White Australia Policy was about?

You will find it all here….

Commonwealth Documents:

Click here to visit the Documenting Democracy website.

The picture above shows the men who helped Found the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901.


Please check the following articles


Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism & Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

White Guilt Exposed

 White Privilege

White Organization: Bloc & Generation Ide…

Genocide Whites & all Races

White Indigenous Rights

Promoting Large Families

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)


New World Order Globalist

The European Holocaust


Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Women's Organizations

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Wom…

Fighting Genocide Worldwide


Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

















Read 12159 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 July 2024 23:16

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