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White Indigenous Rights

Law Books GavelWhat are the use of laws when they are not enforced by governments, and these laws are broken so that Globalists can achieve their aims?

For example; the German Government has give non-European invaders preference in the job market with " integration laws."  The law will artificially create 100,000 jobs which will be exclusively allocated to illegal refugees, even though there are currently 1.8 million unemployed German citizens.  The government may say that these refugees are "legal" but to many Germans they are illegal invaders.  The sad fact is that the conservative movement in Germany did not build community based organizations and no Anti-Defamation organization to fight legal entities to fight for European rights in the courts.  This seems crazy because we all know that from time to time we need lawyers.  If you have lawyers, for example; you can challenge the Race Relations Act, and campaign for Indigenous Rights in the European Supreme Court in The Hague.  You can also approach other governments worldwide to fight for your rights and their rights.  There are many avenues available to you to fight for indigenous rights.  Marching in rallies has little or no effect against Government Dictatorship that do not care about what people think.  

"We The People" must start our Government to represent us against the Globalist false Governments and set up a Swiss system of direct democracy, — The Canton system.  Please refer to our article Switzerland's System of Direct Democracy

Indigenous Rights

The United Nations Indigenous Laws in practice are only applied to indigenous minorities.  It is discrimination against the majority of populations who are also indigenous to their regions.  European white Caucasians are indigenous to the British Isles, the whole continent of Europe even to the Urals in Russia and beyond, as well as just inside the Western border of China. People have lived  in Europe for 1.800 million years and some became the Europeans.  Many people that some neanderthals gave birth to modern Europeans in Russia. lived in Europea and middle east for hund If our ancestors who came the Neanderthals and our Ice-Age Europeans have been living in Europe, Central Asia areas for a million or more years, we should be given self-determination which means we have the right to control who lives in our lands, a right to remove people who are not indigenous to our lands, European Caucasians have rights over mineral deposits, a right to preserve our languages, culture, and history.

Europeans are indigenous to Europe and areas east of Russia, and have been living in these areas from the dawn of the European Caucasian race. European Caucasians did not come from Africa. 

 The following videos: Europe the Birthplace of Mankind

  Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find




Humans lived 1.8 million years ago in Georgia

GEORGIA The birth of Human race Caucasus Homo erectus georgicus 1.8 million years

 European Caucasians lived in Europe 42,000 years before present Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before present


Those who help third world immigration ( invasion) into Europe and promote the multi-racial society are promoting GENOCIDE should be brought to justice!  Yet how do you bring people to justice when the conservative movement will not use the laws to stop governments from promoting genocide.

Merkel's right-wing opposition AfD Party in Germany says she belongs in court for the Non European invasion into Europe

Watch: Merkel’s Right-Wing Opposition Says She Belongs in Court


Governments will abuse the law because there is no counter-balance.  They will continue to do this until they are challenged.  You will continue to lose your rights and it can only be reversed when a European Anti-Defamation League is set up to fight for all people's rights.  

For more background information please read our articles on 'European Racial Pride, 'Teach Europeans about their Heritage' and  'Ancient Caucasians in America.'


Our mission is to create  Anti-Defamation Council connected globally in every country to fight to uphold the following United Nations laws.  In the UN article, it outlines various organizations you can contact for assistance. 

The United Nations universal declaration of human rights:
"Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution."

In Western countries, Europeans are persecuted through Globalist Government policies through the media and education system.  White Europeans are not allowed a referendum on the decision to allow vast numbers of Third World immigrants' invasion into European countries.  If Europeans complain they are labelled "racist", "bigots", or "extremists."   Racism is practiced by the media and the so-called governments against anybody who challenges them.   What these people are using is referred to as a 'dialectical reversal technique' - they are practicing genocide, racism, bigotry (by restricting information), by calling anybody who opposes their ideas "extremist" when in fact they are the real "racists", "bigots" and "extremists."   They are fully aware that they are playing a trick on We The People and laughing at us behind the scenes.  Most people who have done some research on the topic have seen through these tricks.  You need to challenge this Pavlovian, dialectical reversal techniques.

United Nations convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide:
“…acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group…”

Governments in Western countries, media, and anti-European organizations have been campaigning to genocide the Europeans worldwide by reducing their birth rate from 2.8 down to 1.6, taking their rights away, flooding their countries with third world invasion and promoting interracial marriage.

United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
" Considering that all human beings are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law against any discrimination and against any incitement to discrimination"

If European Caucasians campaign against their genocide, destruction of their culture and destruction of their nation they are labelled as racist. When they disagree openly with affirmative action and bussing (sending white children to black schools and black children to white schools) this is considered racism and bigotry. The United Nations laws are again broken in this area.

United Nations Indigenous Laws Declaration, Article 26 states that
"indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories, and resources they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired. Entire country."

The majority of the world's population are indigenous to the lands they live on or their ancestor homelands, for example, the Chinese are indigenous to China, the Negro population of North Western Africa are indigenous to that region, European Caucasians are indigenous to Europe and Arab Caucasians are indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa.  The United Nations indigenous laws should give equal rights to all racial groups that are the original inhabitants who lived in the region for thousands of years. In recent times British Europeans have argued that they should be given indigenous rights and they have been told that due to interracial marriages the United Nations indigenous laws no longer apply to them. 

Citizens Initizens Referendums

Political parties do not represent people's rights, so the people should  start  promoting (CIR) Citizens Initizens Referendums,  and start to represent themselves. Switzerland  in Europe has CIR.

How parliamentary elections work in Switzerland

Read 39902 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 23:31

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