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Many Sea People came from Europe Update 2.


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Many Sea People came from Europe.

The Sea Peoples & The Late Bronze Age Collapse // Ancient History Documentary (1200-1150 BC)



The majority of White Europeans all over the world do not know that the nine tribes the Egyptians called the Sea Peoples came from Southern Europe. Many history experts say Sea People tribes came from Italy, Sicily, Greece, Crete, Cyrus and Turkey. They were a seafaring confederation that attacked ancient Egypt and other regions of the East Mediterranean prior to and during the Late Bronze Age collapse (1200–900 BC).

Egytian History the invasions of the Sea Peoples into Egypt 12th Century BCE :

"The years between around 1500 and 1200 BC are often cited as some of the most prosperous that the world had ever seen. The Eastern Mediterranean world inhabited by the Egyptians, the Hittites and the Minoans, as well as numerous smaller states around them, was a truly cosmopolitan system rarely seen in world history. Greek and Hittite trade goods regularly show up in archaeological sites in Egypt, whereas Egyptian hieroglyphs and trade goods are found in places such as the Island of Crete and Mycenae. One shipwreck off the coast of Turkey carried goods from nine different states aboard". This quote taken from the following video page.

Invasions of the Sea Peoples: Egypt & The Late Bronze Age Collapse


"In the 12th century B.C., after centuries of brilliance, the civilized and globalized world of the Bronze Age came to an abrupt and cataclysmic end. Kingdoms fell like dominoes over the course of just a few decades. No more Minoans or Mycenaeans. No more Trojans, Hittites, or Babylonians. The thriving economies and cultures of the late second millennium B.C., which had stretched from Greece to Egypt and Mesopotamia, suddenly ceased to exist, along with writing systems, technology, and monumental architecture." 

Sea Peoples: The 1200 BC System Collapse

“A group of Sea People bore the name of ‘Dan.’ The Bible tells how a segment of the seafaring (Judges 5:17) Danites [were part of] the tribal system of ancient Israel...The Danites were widespread. Cyprus was called Ia-Dnan ‘The Island of Dan(an).’ The same people were called Danuna, and under this name they appear as rulers of the Plain of Adana in Cilicia. Greek tradition has their eponymous ancestor, Danaos (Dan), migrating from the Nile delta to Greece...” (p. 108).

"Whether it was their original intention or not, the Danaan sailed their ships north to the secluded bay of Argos in the Greek Peloponnesus. The Encyclopedia Judaica (5:1257) quotes a leading Israeli archaeologist, Y. Yadin, who states, “...there is a close relationship between the tribe of Dan and the tribe of Danaoi whose members were clearly seafarers.” This encyclopedia also tells us, “The name Dan should be regarded as a short form of Dan(ann)iel or the like” (5:1255). Again the connection with the Greek Danaan is unmistakable."

"Read more here:Read more here:"

" No one bothers to read the Bible these days even though it is the only perfectly accurate history book there is:"



Ancient Egypt's Oldest Mystery Documentary - Who Were the Sea People?

The Origin of the Sea Peoples


1173bc The Year Civilization Collapsed 

Legenden der Menschheit - The Sea People


5 Fascinating Theories Regarding The Ancient Sea Peoples

The horned helmets were worn by the Ancient Cretan people from Crete, including the double edged axe!


Tribal Names and were they  come from

Ancient Egypt's Oldest Mystery Documentary - Who Were the Sea People?


Who were the Sea People? Bronze Age Collapse

Left are the Sea People tribal names:

Right, names of region with question mark, perhaps this tribe came from:

Shardana - Sardinia?  Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea

Shekelesh = Sicily?

Tjekker = Sikels or Troad?

The Troada or Troad, or Troas, is the historical name of the Biga Peninsula in the northwestern part of Anatolia, Turkey. This region now is part of the Çanakkale province of Turkey. Wikipedia

Denyen = Danaans/Danaoi (Greeks)?

Weshesh = Wilusa (Troy)?

Pelest = Philistines

Sea People Tribal Names


Quotes taken from "Sea People". " Names of the tribes which comprised the Sea Peoples have been given in Egyptian records as the Sherden, the Sheklesh, Lukka, Tursha and Akawasha. Outside Egypt, they also assaulted the regions of the Hittite Empire, the Levant, and other areas around the Mediterranean coast. Their origin and identity has been suggested (and debated) to be Etruscan/Trojan to Italian, Philistine, Mycenaen and even Minoan but, as no accounts discovered thus far shed any more light on the question than what is presently known, any such claims must remain mere conjecture."

"In Ramesses the Great's account, the Sea Peoples are mentioned as allies of the Hittites but also as serving in his own army as mercenaries."

The following quotes taken from the article Origin of the Sea People, "The first recorded mention of the Sea People is in the Amarna letters dated at about 1345 B.C. during the reign of Akhenaton (1353 - 1336 B.C.) in Egypt. A people called the Shardana (Sardinia) are described as raiders and mercenaries and helped to man the Egyptian garrison at Byblos in Phoenicia in the service of its mayor. A people called the Lukka (southwestern Turkey) are accused of attacking the Egyptians and raiding and seizing Alashiyan (Cyprus) villages. The Danuna people (?) are mentioned with a reference to the death of their king."

"The Minoan Diaspora from Spain gave birth to the Sea Peoples. They would have ventured out into the Atlantic to make their way to settle in the British Isles and northern Europe and they would have traveled to any lands in the east that were too weak to resist them. They settled throughout the western Mediterranean, especially in Sardinia, and into the eastern Mediterranean on the coasts of southwestern Turkey and North Africa, west of the Nile delta. The original Minoan colonists from Spain had returned to the eastern Mediterranean but not in a way anyone could have ever envisioned. They probably had only what they could carry and life must have been very difficult as they struggled to find a new place to live on their ships."

Reinhard Jung (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften OREA), Push and Pull Factors of the Sea Peoples between Italy and the Levant.

Push and Pull Factors of the Sea Peoples between Italy and the Levant



Comments on where the Sea People came from


"Maybe I'm behind the curve a bit, which is quite possible, but seeing as the Hittite texts mentioned having to quell two rebellions in which the Ahyawa participated; is there any chance the events of the Illyad may be tied to the invasions of the Sea Peoples? The similarities between them seem glaring. Massive numbers of ships on an extended campaign of marauding throughout the Eastern and Western Mediterranean in two separate waves. Furthermore in both the Hittite and Egyptian texts the Achaeans, and other Greeks (the Dannuana) have been tentatively identified. The Egyptian texts also specifically point out that these people were Island dwellers ("they made a conspiracy in their islands") and specifically named the Islands. The best fits so far for the names given include Sardinia, and Crete. The Egyptians also report two separate invasions. Is it possible we have three accounts of a very specific set of events, from three separate parties who were all involved for different reasons?"

12:32" I agree that Sicily, Sardinia, and Philistines are a close match. I would suggest that Weshesh, Denyen, and Tjekker could perhaps be "Venice", "Danube", and "Czechs". Starting to discover some very advanced ancient history in this part of the world and it's really not that far away."

Sea Peoples of the Bronze Age Mediterranean c.1400 BC–1000 BC


Sea People tribe called the Philistines

Aren M. Maeir Professor of archaeology, Bar-Ilan University Professor Maeir shares his experience with excavations at Philistine Gath in context of biblical history.

Modern Perspectives on the Philistines

Lecture - Sy Gitin, Dorot Director of the Albright Institute - Topic: "Ekron of the Philistines: From Sea Peoples to Olive Oil Industrialists" given 3/17/12 at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston, TX

Lecture (only)- Sy Gitin - Ekron of the Philistines: From Sea Peoples to Olive Oil Industrialist

Aren M. Maeir, Professor, The Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University and Director, The Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project, The Institute of Archaeology

Aren Maeir | New Light on the Biblical Philistines: Recent Study on the Frenemies of Ancient Israel

PEOPLE OF THE SEA: A Novel of The Promised Land.” Sciences show Sea Peoples/Philistines carrying an ancient positive heritage from Minoan Crete into Palestine. When their families met the earliest Israelites, whose “promised land” had a chance to foster peace? “PEOPLE” by Jack Dempsey (at Amazon) tells their human stories & wild adventures for the first time. Excerpts/photos/more in multimedia at Ancientlights dot o-r-g, Facebook, and jackdempseywriter at Wordpre

Reinhard Jung (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften OREA), Push and Pull Factors of the Sea Peoples between Italy and the Levant"

The Sea Peoples: Philistines and the Bronze Age Collapse (Lecture)  

Professor Maeir shares his experience with excavations at Philistine Gath in context of biblical history.

Modern Perspectives on the Philistines


Article on Sea People Ships

The Ships of the Sea Peoples — Part 2


Trojan War

Aren M. Maeir, Professor, The Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University and Director, The Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project, The Institute of Archaeology.

The Sea Peoples and the Trojan War (Lecture 4)

A 3,200-year-old Anatolian stone slab that describes a warring Trojan prince has finally been deciphered more than 135 years after it was first discovered.

Anatolian stone slab tells of Trojan prince and Sea People



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Read 22361 times Last modified on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 12:22