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The Mexican Mormon War (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons.

Screenshot 1mormon in mexico

The Mexican Mormon War (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Full Length)

The cartels of Juarez, Mexico, are at war with a group of Mormons, some of whom are related to Mitt Romney. We went there to document the conflict, meet Romney's Mormon family, and find out more about how US policy is impacting the war on drugs.


This video was made 7 years ago!!!! Members from this very family being interviewed was gunned down less than a week ago in Mexico by the Mexican cartel. Mainstream media are reporting that it may have been mistaken identity.... And the US Govt. is trying to make it appear as though it is unaware of what would have caused this. Mitt Romney, tried to make it appear like he wasn't aware of what could have caused this either! WOW! Such liars!! Mitt has family living in this very area and his family has had problems with the cartel in the past. Just unbelievable the lack of proper reporting on this matter by mainstream media. A real let down here guys! Thanks to Vice for reporting on what's really happening down in Mexico between the Mormons and the Cartel??

To all those who watched, these Mormons are a group that broke off from the Mormon church and did their own thing. They are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

"The money for all the guns is coming from America. The guns themselves come from America. The coke is being sold in America, but the war is being fought in Mexico."

Well, we see Gun Control only disarms Civilians, Criminals will never obey the law :

Guns illegal in Mexico but their murder rate higher than Afghanistan.

Mexican citizens got disarmed by the government in 1971... the rest is history. Criminals ended up owning guns


Correction, Mormons are allowed to own guns.. I know for a fact, they are VERY WELL armed. Dont think Mormons aren't protected.

Mexico needs the Second Amendment. Arm the citizens!

To all those who watched, these Mormons are a group that broke off from the Mormon church and did their own thing. They are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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Read 7495 times Last modified on Wednesday, 12 February 2020 23:32