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Muslim and African’ migrants should be returned to home

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Dalai Lama says ‘Muslim and African’ migrants should be returned to home so that “Europe can be kept for Europeans”

European News

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The Dalai Lama, while commenting on Europe’s migrant crisis during an interview with BBC, said that Europe “will become Muslim if refugees don’t go home…Better. Keep Europe for Europeans.”

When asked by BBC reporter Rajini Vaidyanathan what the proper relationship between European countries and “refuges” should be, he replied, “European countries should take these refugees and give them education and training, and the aim is – return to their own land with certain skills.”

The 83-year-old Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader gave the interview from his home in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh where he has lived for around 50 years.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has been the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people for decades. Over the years he has met with dozens of world leaders, spiritual and religious leaders, and notable figures. He’s become something of a celebrity himself.

This isn’t the first time that His Holiness has spoken publicly about mass migration into Europe from the third world.

Last September, during a speech in Malmo, Sweden, he asserted his belief that “Europe is for Europeans”.

And his views haven’t changed a bit.

When asked by Vaidyanathan whether ‘refugees’ – meaning economic migrants in most cases – should be permitted to stay in Europe if that’s what they prefer, he commented, “A limited number… Okay. But the whole of Europe [will]eventually become a Muslim country – impossible. Or African country, also impossible.”

He continued, saying, “Receive them [migrants], help them, educate them, but ultimately they should develop their own country. I think Europe belongs to the Europeans.”

“The goal should be that migrants return and help rebuild their countries…You have to be practical. It’s impossible for everyone to come.”


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Read 11113 times Last modified on Monday, 12 April 2021 10:46