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European Slavs, Tribes and founding of Russia

For thousands of years, tribal indigenous White Europeans moved all over Europe, and the Eurasian Steppes and many Europeans today cannot deftly say which tribes they came from.  What we can say is:  the majority of Europeans are from the Slavic, Latin, Celtic and German tribes. From…

Odinism for a Modern World

God is the Creator of all of the universe and beyond. God created the the big bang that created the universe and the world we live on.  God created the Sun, the Moon and all the plants and beyond and where does the universe end, we will…

European Sabbath

The Jewish community believes in unity and over time, they have developed organizations to cater for their communities.  They have the most successful organizations in the world.  Gentile Europeans need to build community-based organizations to create unity and bring people together to teach, meet new friends, find…

Guns & Guns Save Lives & Gun Organizations

Top 3 Platforms Every Gun Owner Should Have Matt Bracken On Armed Communities And Self Defense 10,943 views · Sep 11, 2020 3 Common Manipulations by Reporters in the Corporate Media  I go over 3 common manipulations by reporters in the corporate media. Make sure to share…

Whites in America before the Vikings

Mysterious Stone Chambers & Giants Discovered in New England- Jim Vieira  Strange stone tunnels and chambers, perhaps pre-historic, have been found in Leyden, Wendell, Pelham, Montague, New Salem, Whitingham, VT and throughout New England. Who built these structures and when? Why?  Ashfield stonemason Jim Vieira has been…