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MOST BANNED WOMAN IN THE WORLD - Katie Hopkins | ReAwaken America Nashville  Katie Hopkins WEBSITE: //">> Vice EXPOSES Rightwing Women? Lauren Chen is a political and social commentator. She was born in Canada, raised in Hong Kong, and came to the US for university. She has…
Published in Organizations
Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade February 3, 2020  The links below from the above article.  Mathew Nolan Jewish Slave Trade Christopher Columbus Who Brought the Slaves to America?     Marcus Garvey - “The African Slave Trade”        Jews Owned & Sold Black…
The First Horse Riders | Horse Domestication on the Eurasian Steppe   Dan Davis Author  Who were the first horse riders in history? We know about horse domestication but knowing who were the first horsemen is more difficult. The idea of the Yamnaya Bronze Age horse warrior…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Killing Fields in Cambodia The anti-Semitic Zionists who control the media always talk about the gassing of the 6 million Jews. Not ever or rarely have films been shown of the left-wing Marxists Pol Pot and his followers killing innocent people in Cambodia because they were educated,…
Purim - The Real Story Behind The Iranian Holocaust     Observer7 All the religions of the world, that believes in the God of Jesus, need to unite and end this evil, Luciferian cult, once and for all. Quote from Talmudic Zionist Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal: "We…
Sasha Baron Cohen has declared war on freedom during an ADL summit. ADL & Sasha Baron Cohen Want to SHUT IT DOWN!   Know More News   a mountain's a mammal 2 days ago His comedy is terrible. The only thing mildly amusing about him is that…
Published in Legal & Politics
  White Race Is Dying Out Claims (((The Media)))    Paul Krugman admitted the jewish plan to undermine and destroy White power in America   In a recent television interview, Nobel Prize winning economist, Paul Krugman admitted the jewish plan to undermine and destroy White power in…
    Fighting Against Genocide   1 2 3 Prev Next Israeli Jews Admit that Mossad-Created ISIS i…     Israeli Jews Admit that Mossad-Created ISIS is the "Crime of the Cent... Record Seizures Reveal Violent Migrant Gangs … Record Seizures Reveal Violent Migrant Gangs Fueling Illegal…
Published in Archives
Charlie Kirk confronted about his Israel favoritism     Corey Smith 3 weeks ago I am an American, and I don't want my tax dollars going to Israel anymore. Supporting Israel has screwed up our foreign policy in the Middle East,. Israel has been a consistent diplomatic…
Published in Organizations
Iranians celebrate year’s longest night at Yalda festival  
Published in Culture & Heritage
Billboards Going Up Across America Warning Of Vaccine Deaths24,712 views·Jan 27, 2022  Robert Agee joins Owen to talk about his campaign to expose Big Pharma and the deaths being caused by the covid jab by using billboards across America.   AuntieVyris Digital billboards can update quickly and…
Published in Organizations
 "As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come."     All these racist Jewish ideas in this article are manmade beliefs and not made…
Published in Religions & Faiths
   In August 2019, 40-50 British patriots hit the streets and surveyed the British public on their thoughts on becoming a minority in their homeland. In this short documentary, we will reveal the results. Coming October 2019.    We Were Never Asked    The British, Irish, Australians,…
Published in Inspiring Change
DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife Alexander Soros is Jewish Globalist. DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife     WHO (IS) WAS HUMA ABEDIN     Huma Abedin's Muslim mother above Saleha Abedin. Soros Goal To Destroy Christian Civilization, & The…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  French Jews Publish Children’s Book That Normalizes Race Mixing   The jewish-owned publishing company, Nathan, has published an illustrated children’s book that glorifies race mixing to young impressionable French children: Nathan [owned by the jewish Cahen-Lipmann families] is one of the few publishers in France which…
Published in Legal & Politics