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  Brave doctors SPEAK OUT to reclaim medicine  ?A newly-formed medical union gathered in Melbourne at the weekend in a bid to RECLAIM MEDICINE from the tight grip of political control. The message from BRAVE DOCTORS who attended was clear: KEEP POLITICS OUT of medicine. Full story:…
Published in Organizations
  WhiteDate.NET  Contact us              Print this post   Liv Heide 324 words WhiteDate.NET is a new dating site for Caucasian singles, whose purpose is to stop the demographic decline of people of European descent. In Western societies that include people of…
Published in Organizations
 Does Gender Self-Identification Put Women at Risk? | Good Morning Britain Trans-gender The Globalist media and some political figures are promoting the idea of transgender identity in today's world by identifying them as gender x. After the gradual conditioning of the media, this will eventually come to…
Bayer, a pharmaceutical company that makes drugs that are used to feminize men   Pressure mounts on Bayer CEO to fix legal problems as chairman quits Bayer’s shares have plunged about a quarter in value since August 2018, when the company lost a U.S. lawsuit claiming that…
  The mystery of Azores In the Atlantic Ocean there lays a group of nine spectator Islands (all volcanic in origin) called the Azores which resembles many of the descriptions of a lost island in the Atlantic. Many people are not unaware of archaeologists currently studying over…
Published in Culture & Heritage
 Miss Europe Continental       Miss Europe Continental 2019 Full Show StarSeed 80 (edited) when Italy does thousands of "Europe Miss shows", no other european ever heard of. Tom John This what a beauty pageant is suppose to be, a celebration of a woman’s sexuality and…
Published in Organizations
  Women, Healing & Lore        Women, Healing & Lore In my neck of the woods, somewhere within the Blue Ridge Mountains, we have in our history those who made more than their fair mark, who we call, Granny Women, or what many now days…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Putin, Kim and new multipolar world. Sullivan, striking Russia is common sense. Conflict in Lebanon   Putin-Kim summit: North Korea vows full support for Russia’s "sacred fight" against West, Ukraine   News North Korea sent Russia millions of munitions in exchange for food: Seoul South Korea says…
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  Use code INFOWARS at for 20% off your subscription!   Unjected: Dating for Unvaccinated Singles & More!   In early 2021, we watched our colleagues, friends, families line up for an experimental "vaccine" that would change the world as we knew it.  Mandates, slander, and…
Published in Organizations
Who are the Tatars? Europe's Oldest Remaining Islamic Community  Just who are the Tatars? The Tatars are arguably Europe's oldest remaining Islamic community, stretching back many hundreds (possibly over a thousand) years and today number in the tens of millions. Scattered over many parts of Eastern Europe,…
Published in Culture & Heritage