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The greatness of Darius was the greatness of position and not of character. History of Darius the Great Home / Ancient History / History of Darius the Great   Jacob Abbott History of Darius the Great Paperback, Hardcover The story of the founder of the Achaemenid, or…
Published in Culture & Heritage
 ‘We just need to blow dart Blacks... who are Unvaccinated’…   James O’Keefe FDA Undercover Sting Part Two — ‘We just need to blow dart Black Americans who are Unvaccinated’…  James O’Keefe FDA Undercover Sting Part Two — ‘We just need to blow dart Black Americans who…
Published in Hot Stories 2
              Remix News & Views   @RMXnews · Volgen  EXC: "The choice is yours and I've made mine!" @EvaVlaar tells Remix News she has accepted she will be attacked by the establishment for calling out attempts to make indigenous White Europeans…
Published in Hot Stories 2
    Project Veritas' Facebook Expose - James O'Keefe at #CPAC 2019 | American Thought Leaders   American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times Published on Mar 1, 2019 The Epoch Times interviews founder and president of Project Veritas James O'Keefe at #CPAC 2019      …
Published in Legal & Politics
In 2015, Internet pioneer Matt Drudge warned that the establishment would try to ban links to news stories without paid permission from the site – and now the EU’s proposed Article 11 could do just that. : EU ‘Link Ban’ Could Kill Drudge Report, Internet Freedom The Biggest…
Published in Politics & Legal