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Weekly News Wrap Up: 9 June 2016

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we would like to share with the community. 

It's important to note that the Bildeberg group are meeting right now for their 2016 conference and as usual the mainstream media makes no mention of it. What actually happens at the world’s most secretive gathering of global elites?

Bilderberg 2016 to Talk Trump, Riots, Migrants & Brexit
The influential meeting of bankers, politicians, media heads and business moguls has released its official participant list and agenda for 2016.

Bilderberg Leak: Secretive Group to Discuss Internet ID, Global Tax
The secretive Bilderberg Group is set to discuss plans to implement an Internet ID to eviscerate anonymity on the web as well as a global tax on financial transactions and air travel, according to an inside source who spoke to Infowars.

“Jungle” Invader Nonwhites Trash Paris
Police in Paris have been forced to clear out a camp set up by nonwhite invaders moved from Calais’ infamous “Jungle” after locals complained that the nonwhites had turned the area into an “open air toilet,” terrorized passersby with gang violence, and brought diseases such as tuberculosis.

FPÖ to Formally Challenge Election Result
The Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) has announced that a “myriad of irregularities” in the recent presidential elections has forced them to formally challenge the poll result.

Each “Refugee” Costs US Taxpayers $20K
US taxpayers will hand over around $20,000 to settle each “refugee” and “asylum seeker,” coming to America in terms of the Obama Middle East refugee policy, a new report from Negative Population Growth has said.

Trump’s Nonwhite Nonvoter Problem
The Washington Post is the first major “mainstream” media outlet to admit that Donald Trump—or any candidate who does not bow to nonwhite political demands—faces a nearly impossible task of winning the US Presidential election.

Jews Set “Road Map” for FPÖ
Israel and Jews in Austria have—hypocritically—set out a “road map” for Heinz Christian-Strache’s Freedom Party (FPÖ) to follow if they want “normal” relations with the “Jewish community.”

Trump’s Fundraiser: Convicted Jew Crook
Presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump has appointed Elliott Broidy—a convicted Jew crook who bribed public officials to invest money in Israel—as his chief fundraiser.

The Story of the Bloomberg Writing Tablets
London's oldest discovered writing found on tablets! Archaeologists from MOLA found 400+ fragments of ancient Roman writing-tablets on the site of the new Bloomberg London building. The discovery was the largest and earliest collection of its kind in Britain.

Archaeologists discover massive Petra monument that could be 2,150 years old
Archaeologists have found a monumental structure buried under the sands of Petra, according to a new study that drew on satellite imagery to scan the ancient city.

Read 20455 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 07:43