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Weekly News Wrap Up: 1 June 2016

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we would like to share with the community.

FPÖ: “Countless” Election Fraud Cases
The leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, has confirmed that his party is investigating “countless” cases of electoral fraud with regard to last week’s presidential elections in that country.

Tribes & campaigns
150 million tribal people live in more than 60 countries across the world. Although their land ownership rights are recognized in international law, they are not properly respected anywhere.

Invaders Given €10K Cash in Holland
Nonwhite invaders who swindle their way into the Netherlands are being given as much as €10,000 as free gifts in order to “settle in,” a shock survey in the Dutch-language Brabants Dagblad has revealed.

US: 1.5 Million Immigrants Every Year
In excess of 1.5 million Third World immigrants—legal and illegal—have entered the US each year for the past two years, a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has found.

Invader Center Burns in Upper Austria
Austrian patriots have completely destroyed a new invader center in Altenfelden, Upper Austria, in an arson attack on the building just days before it was due to open.

Africans Launch Renewed Invasion
More nonwhite invaders are landing in Italy than in Greece for the first time in a year, according to new figures released by the United Nations.

New Mass Invader Sex Attack in Germany
At least 26 German women were subjected to a new and coordinated mass sex attack by nonwhite invaders posing as refugees at an open-air music festival in the German town of Darmstadt over the past weekend, Hesse police have confirmed.   Three perpetrators were arrested and later identified as Pakistanis claiming to be asylum seekers.

Hillary Clinton EVIL REMIX
Hillary laughs, barks, and explains why you should vote for her!

Donald Trump Has Lunch With Controversial Author Who Criticizes Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump was recently seen having lunch in Indianapolis with Ed Klein, the controversial author who has penned books that are critical of Bill and Hillary Clinton as well as Barack and Michelle Obama.

Infection Raises Specter of Superbugs Resistant to All Antibiotics
American military researchers have identified the first patient in the United States to be infected with bacteria that are resistant to an antibiotic that was the last resort against drug-resistant germs.

Read 21808 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 07:36