Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture & Storage
The Australien Government has made an ad about government corruption, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
Honest Government Ad | Anti-Corruption Body (Federal ICAC)
The Juice Media is an Australian film and media company, that produces contemporary far-left political and social satire. They are known for their Internet series Honest Government Ads and Juice Rap News. Wikipedia

Let's have the government investigate its own corruption... what would go wrong
This woman is absolutely gorgeous!!! Who is she? Has she done any TV and/or film yet? I want to see more of her.
We the Australian people vote for the Federal Anti Corruption watchdog?
This applies to governments all around the world. It is so fucked up. Thanks for making me laugh.
Honest Government Ad | Julian Assange
The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Julian Assange’s arrest and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!
The Australien Government has made an ad about the Police State it's creating, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
Honest Government Ad | My Police State!
Since events of 9-11 it seems U.S. and Australia have really aligned their policy to mirror each other. Especially domestically.
Sound exactly what’s going on in the U.K..... what a surprise. It’s like they all have the same playbook. Anyone remember when the leaders of Canada and Australia gave the same speech, word for word.
I hope people realise the semi auto firearms grab in Australia was part of this lengthy plan of becoming a police state. Disarm the people .
A corrupt government is a symptom of We the People having no power to keep them honest.