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 Canadian Civil Rights activist Lauren Southern has finally arrived in Australia 2018 promoting IT'S Ok TO BE WHITE.




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David Yeagley: “The Dread (or Fear) of Whiteness”

 Dr. Yeagley, the great-great-grandson of Comanche leader Bad Eagle, addressed the 2012 American Renaissance conference before his untimely death in 2014. Dr. Yeagley spoke on the history of Anglo-Indian relations, and why it is that the white race has lost its once strong sense of certainty and righteousness.

 I learned that David Yeagley died of cancer in March 2014. Rest In Peace, your ancestors and whites are proud of you.


I've always wondered why liberals use Native Americans as leverage to argue for greater mass immigration. surely the fate of Native Americans is a warning AGAINST mass immigration! and how does mass immigration benefit Natives, when it reduces them to an even smaller percentage of the overall population! surely Natives should be like this great man and be against further immigration!

As a Mescalero Apache here in Arizona I found this presentation refreshing. Thank God for logical thinking.

This was the most heartfelt, poignant speech I've heard with regards to whites and their role in the US. We have no reason for guilt. No more so than any other nation or people.

He mentions the ghost dancers. Dr. Yeagley was a friend to many Sioux here in the Dakotas. I grew up on a reservation and fought the mascot, logo and Indian imagery and legends and this is how we met. He called me the Scourge of Interstate 29 and we became great friends. Many things he learned as an Indian he learned from other tribal members. Sadly missed. I really miss Dr. Yeagley and still in mourning over his passing.

"The white race didn't do anything that the Comanche didn't do, they just did it better" - David Yeagley, great-great-grandson of Comanche leader Bad Eagle, 2012

The end of the White race will become a "past event"

I have a lot of respect for this man. He brought up quite a few statements that are thought provoking, namely his comment about Whites throwing away the land that we fought so hard to gain and at great cost to both sides. We have a responsibility to ourselves and the Indians to keep this land - our land - and to give it away so cheaply is to spit in the eye of our forefathers. One thing we must keep in mind about the Indians is we have a very complicated and unique relationship with them. We fought them for centuries, and, in some ways, we integrated our cultures. If any minority race deserves our respect, it is the Indians, but that does not mean we have the right to surrender what we personally didn't fight for.

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  Black man in the United States Jesse Lee Peterson fights for whites and other races
 short compilation of intelligent black community leaders dismantling white privilege, systemic racism, and black victimhood. Thank you for watching, please subscribe to the channel for similar content.
Mark Collett, British Right Wing activist, author of The Fall of Western Man.

 Karen Straughan returns, spokeswoman for Men's Rights Edmonton.


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Brandon Straka - "I am kicking off the #WalkAway campaign by releasing my video about why I am walking away from liberalism and the Democrat Party." "It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country - which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it

Brandon Straka, "Why I left the Democrat Party"


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It OK to be White?

Jared Taylor of American Renaissance describes the racial insanity that reigns on college campuses, where whiteness is commonly seen as a defect, as a "problem" to be "worked through." He notes that non-whites are absorbing this message and expressing their contempt and even hatred for whites in increasingly harsh terms.

Jared Taylor of American Renaissance describes the racial insanity that reigns on college campuses, where whiteness is commonly seen as a defect, as a "problem" to be "worked through." He notes that non-whites are absorbing this message and expressing their contempt and even hatred for whites in increasingly harsh terms.

This intelligent, well spoken, factually accurate white man was banned from Twitter? Twitter must hate reality, white people, and intelligence. It's more than okay to be white. It's wonderful! I will never ever apologize for my ancestry.

It's not okay to be white - it's AWESOME!





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Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

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Read 11245 times Last modified on Friday, 18 November 2022 22:15