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    Vaccines and Asthma or Allergies       Do vaccines cause asthma or allergies? Several large studies have investigated the relationship between vaccines and allergies. One well-controlled study was performed using the computerized records of children born between 1991 and 1997 who were enrolled in…
Published in Inspiring Change
“White Fortressing” Sounds Awesome, Actually Paul65 Edited   "White Fortressing" is a  mainly Jewish left communist term to attack capitalists. Here in GA many people -- white, blacks and Asians of all sorts -- are fleeing places like Fulton County (Atlanta) for surrounding counties with lower taxes…
Published in Legal & Politics
  MUSLIM ZIONIST Says Boycotting Israel Is HARAM: Rabbi Faris Hammadi  @user-fy4gb2vo9e There are Zionists who unfortunately also hide in Islam and he is one of them! Many of us must beware of such! Thank you for this instructive video.  @stephenconnolly1830 Rabbi Faris is not only a…
Published in Religions & Faiths
  The 'Hunters' is Absolute PROPAGANDA in the Purest Form  
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Anti Semitism Is The Code Word For Jews To Hide Behind For Their Crimes Against Humanity       Greatest researcher on the earth .. Eustace Mullins NAZI = NATIONAL SOCIALIST ZIONIST …] Rebel Rabbis: Anti-Zionist Jews Against Israel —
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  Klaus Schwab | What Is the Connection to Klaus Schwab, the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler? | What Is the Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution?   Klaus Schwab | What Is the Connection to Klaus Schwab, the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler? | What…
Published in Organizations
   Left-wing activists hold placards and flags as they protest against the "Jewish state" The Left Politics of Jews  2015, April 27 - 20:19 — lyle.allan Left-wing activists hold placards and flags as they protest against the "Jewish state" bill near the Prime Minister residence in Jerusalem on…
Published in Legal & Politics
Prominent Nation of Islam leader Rizza Islam of visits Infowars in studio to bring his humanitarian message of freedom for all from globalist tyranny. Prominent Nation of Islam Leader Rizza Islam Comes to Infowars           lightning021 WE NEED TO FORM A PARTNERSHIP…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Jew Exposes ADL’s Lie That ‘White Supremacists’ Are A Serious Threat To Jews The Anti-Defamation League is intentionally misleading the public by creating a false impression that so-called “White supremacists” are far more of a danger to Jews than Muslim or Leftist extremists: Jewish Professor Exposes…
Published in Politics & Legal
Sasha Baron Cohen has declared war on freedom during an ADL summit. ADL & Sasha Baron Cohen Want to SHUT IT DOWN!   Know More News   a mountain's a mammal 2 days ago His comedy is terrible. The only thing mildly amusing about him is that…
Published in Legal & Politics
  Episode 2 - The White Slave Trade of Africa  In this episode we look at the white slave trade in Africa, where Barbary Pirates kidnapped Europeans and sold them into slavery, attacking shipping as well as infiltrating coastal villages and islands. The episode looks at the…
Published in Culture & Heritage
        Above Phone - Stopping Big Tech & Government Spying TODAY!                   Hakeem Anwar from Above Phone joins Maria Zeee to expose the ways in which governments and big tech are spying on us through our…
Published in Organizations
          Teachers Union President Calls School Reopenings 'White Supremacy'     Rumble — Recent remarks from the president of a Washington state teachers union have led to public criticism. Despite warnings of #children’s mental #health, he said that opening schools is a form…
Published in Legal & Politics
Tajik traditions and customs in the Navroz celebration.   Navroz Show from Tajikistan     WE JEWS LOOK FORWARD, NOT TO ITS ULTIMATE UNION WITH OTHER RACES, BUT TO ITS TRIUMPH OVER THEM Rabbi Blacks & monkeys Some Jewish consider all Gentiles as animals, the following video…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Sex and Sexuality for the Ancient Romans  Weird Sexual Rituals Followed Around The World   Canadian Flu Shot Stunt Tied To Monsanto Roundup Hoax   Canada’s Health Minister was allegedly caught on camera pretending to receive a flu vaccine during a news segment encouraging citizens to…
Published in Culture & Heritage