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Why Conservatives Are Doomed  The United States was built by Europeans. If conservatives hope to conserve anything that they claim to love – the Constitution, liberty, limited government, gun ...   Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out. Teach White…
Published in Organizations
  Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil     billg. Edited lol protesting and not busting heads is nothing period they have all the power they dont have the numbers what has anything done recently lol the capt all bulshit all fake jewish…
Biden DHS: No Secret Service Protection For RFK Jr. Alex Jones covers that Biden Admin. DHS has not provided secret service protection for RFK Jr. who has over 20% support in DNC polls United States Department of Homeland Security  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The United States…
Published in Organizations
  WhiteDate.NET  Contact us              Print this post   Liv Heide 324 words WhiteDate.NET is a new dating site for Caucasian singles, whose purpose is to stop the demographic decline of people of European descent. In Western societies that include people of…
Published in Organizations
Women as spoils of war at the end of World War Two | DW Documentary  In early 1945, at least 860,000 women and girls in Germany were sexually abused by Allied soldiers. The victims, and the children they bore after being raped, suffer trauma to this day.…
Published in Hot Stories 2
    The mainstream media in the United States is Jewish run.   Another Person Fired For Criticizing Israel?! | Candace Ep. 5   Briahna Joy Gray joins me to discuss her recent firing from The Hill and how the criticism of Israel seems to be the…
Published in Inspiring Change