Africa demands slavery compensations for decades, but only receives apologies This week marks the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery, and the UN has called for slavery reparations for the ancestors of forcibly transported and exploited Africans. Nigerian journalist Timothy Obiezu has…
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Inspiring Change
Family of one wife with more than one husband could gather more wealth. One Wife and Her Three Husbands: How is their Life? The Polyandry Culture in Tibet(Full Documentary) Have you ever heard of a Polyandry Family? It is a rare form of marriage that…
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Culture & Heritage
Bayer, a pharmaceutical company that makes drugs that are used to feminize men Pressure mounts on Bayer CEO to fix legal problems as chairman quits Bayer’s shares have plunged about a quarter in value since August 2018, when the company lost a U.S. lawsuit claiming that…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Sex Slaves - Japanese Military Mistreatment of Dutch Women Prisoners The Japanese military routinely abused civilian women across the Occupied Territories of Asia. Hundreds of thousands of local women were also forced to become 'Comfort Women', or forced prostitutes. Among this number were several hundred white Dutch…
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Fighting Against Genocide
UN urges Israel to stop ‘apartheid practices’ against Palestinians Christopher Jon Bjerknes The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians "Jews were members of the 'Young Turks.' In Turkey Some "Jews were members of the 'Young Turks' who were responsible for the Armenian genocide, wherein up to…
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Motherhood is the most amazing and beautiful experience . Motherland Live: Blonde Buttermaker on Homebirth and Prenatal Nutrition Motherland Hello and Welcome to Motherland! This channel has been created by Robyn (aka Critical Condition) and Rebecca (Blonde in the Belly of the Beast) as a…
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Inspiring Change
The TRUTH About Ancient European WOMEN Many negative ideas about woman in the ancient past are put forward by various people purporting to follow a "Bronze Age" mentality. Yet what was the actual place of women in the Bronze Age? Were women actually as powerless in…
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Culture & Heritage
Victorian School children started school at 5 years to 10 years old. Victorian Schools // 19th Century For Kids Public Schools and SJW False Narratives Public Schools and SJW False Narratives TradLife: Traditional Parenting and European Cultural homeschooling; My Favorite Boobs {TradLife} Traditional Parenting…
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What Your Last Name Means How Viking Names Work
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Did The Sexual Revolution Actually Benefit Women? Mary Eberstadt | Modern Wisdom Women ARE Disproportionately Hurting Our Country Dennis Prager (Jewish) went viral on Twitter yesterday over the title of his recent column for the Daily Signal “Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country.” People lost…
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Inspiring Change