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Case Against Inter-Racial Marriage

Globalist media promoting mix relationship with advertisements White People Against Interracial Relationships     There are many people asking the question why are we going multiracial and who is behind it?  This question we can answer.  There is a group of Globalist eugenicist bankers who took control…

Fluoride is Reducing Birthrates

New Study Links Drinking Fluoridated Water During Pregnancy to Lower IQs In Children August 20, 2019 by CFT Team Since the end of World War II, water fluoridation has been falsely hailed by the CDC as one of the top great public health achievements of the 20th…

Promoting Large Families.

                  Meeting with families awarded the Order of Parental Glory Britain's Most Hated Big Family | Big Families  Meet Britain's Most Hated Big Family. The Hamlins. The dad works while the mum stays at home, budgeting fiercely to help…
We have written a lot of information about the Jewish community on this website and many people may have a distorted view of the majority of people who say they are Jewish.  People say Jews are very powerful but the average Jew is not.  Most Jews are…

What To Do If You're Feeling Demoralized?

Tara McCarthy - What To Do If You're Feeling Demoralized?