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How The Economic Machine Works

 Federal reserve bank in every country, legally create money out of thin air. Charge interest on it. How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio Learned more in 30min video than in 3 years economy class.Elena   Steven Walshe 1 week ago (edited) Here's how you play…


THIS WILL "SHOCK" YOU THE MUSIC INDUSTRY DARKEST SECRET NOW EXPOSED amaresinetimore I am a professional live sound engineer. I can confirm this is happening for live concerts all of the time. It is less common to use auto-tune live and more common to have a track…

Asians fighting for our rights.

  Mahathir Mohamad  rt-news-livestream-247.html   Edited The Palestinian Genocide is part of the so-called US Globalist Alliance War on Terror that in horrible reality is a cowardly, racist US Alliance and racist Zionist Globalist War on Women and Children and a War on Palestinian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian,…

Global Market & Investments

  Kitco NEWS   Kitco NEWS The Kitco News team speaks to analysts and experts on the frontlines of the market to get the most up-to-date news on the economy. The show offers a well-rounded, timely view on big market moves and any major headlines that may…

25 Ways to Win with People

Words have great power. Thanks Teacher John Maxwell 25 Ways to Win with People by John Maxwell Audiobook   Magda McDusia